openEASE is a web-based knowledge service providing robot and human activity data. It contains semantically annotated data of manipulation actions, including the environment the agent is acting in, the objects it manipulates, the task it performs, and the behavior it generates. The episode representations can include images captured by the robot, other sensor datastreams as well as full-body poses. A powerful query language and inference tools, allow reasoning about the data and retrieving requested information based on semantic queries. Based on the data and using the inference tools robots can answer queries regarding to what they did, why, how, what happened, and what they saw.
openEASE can be used by humans using a browser-based query and visualization interface, but also remotely by robots via a WebSocket API.
Michael Beetz, Moritz Tenorth, Jan Winkler, “Open-EASE — A Knowledge Processing Service for Robots and Robotics/AI Researchers”, In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seattle, Washington, USA, 2015. Finalist for the Best Conference Paper Award and Best Cognitive Robotics Paper Award. [PDF]
openEASE is an initiative of a more comprehensive research enterprise called EASE (Everyday Activity Science and Engineering), which is motivated in this [Video]